The Seven-Year Obsolescence Rule is the Default Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

With the exception of five specific types of information described below, no negative item (most commonly late payments) can remain on a credit report for more than seven years from the date the account first became negative (i.e., the date of first delinquency).

Importantly, it is the date that the account first became negative (the date you first missed a payment) and not the first date that a credit bureau – such as Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, and Innovis) receives information — that matters. In other words, if you missed a credit card payment in January 2021, that missed payment (in most cases) cannot be reported by a credit bureau after December 2028 regardless of the date the credit bureau first learns of the delinquency.

Exceptions to the Seven-Year Limit that Negative Information May remain on Your Credit Reports Pursuant to the FCRA

There are five items specifically excluded from the seven-year obsolescence rule: